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"EEtility's job is to make sure the Utility, their customers and the environment all win!"


Tammy Agard 

President and CEO 

Our Vision

Efficient and affordable energy for all!

EEtility's Mission

Work alongside forward thinking utilities to bring affordable and impactful energy efficiency opportunities to all. 

Pay As You Save® (PAYS®) harnesses a proven utility investment model to offer virtually all consumers cost-effective building upgrades... learn more here
Mandy Mahoney

Mandy Mahoney

President, Southeast Energy Efficiency Alliance (SEEA)

"In the South, where the vast majority of the homes are old and inefficient, and 7.5 million households struggle to pay their energy bills, tariffed on-bill financing provides a solution that helps not just the current tenant or homeowner, but improves housing efficiency for years to come.."



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